Friday, June 6, 2008

Why is a maniraptor also a tetanuran?

Q: I had a question regarding the cladograms. I think I am still confused on the way to read them. I don't understand #45 on Exam 2. I thought the answer was "maniraptor" but the answer is all of the above. Can you explain this to me in more depth so I understand why that picture represents all of those.

A: Yes, the question was:
The above dinosaur is a:
a. maniraptor
b. coelurosaur
c. tetanuran
d. all of the above

An analogous question might be:
Your pet kitten is a:
a. cat
b. mammal
c. animal
d. all of the above.

all cats are also mammals = all maniraptors are also coelurosaurs.
not all mammals are cats = not all coelurosaurs are maniraptors.
Some mammals are dogs = some coelurosaurs are tyrannosaurs.

You should go through the introductory slides on cladograms and make sure you understand all this. If you are still not sure, you MUST come and see me or your TA! :) We can help explain it.

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