Saturday, June 7, 2008

Curving of exam scores

Q: You said you added five percent to the midterm scores because of the class average being lower than last year (70). Will you update the scores on the my UCLA grades anytime soon, because they are still the same without the curve, or just wait and incorporate the new scores into our final grades? And finally, will you be curving the final as well if the average is below last years?

A: I'm not actually going to add 5 percent to the midterm scores, nor to any scores. Instead the distribution of grades will be such that the average score will be approximately a B- (whatever percentage that is). Please see the distribution in the syllabus to get an idea of how the spread of grades will look. Since the average for that distribution was 75% you can approximate what grade you got for each midterm by adding 5% to your own midterm score and see where that falls on the distribution.

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