Monday, June 9, 2008

UPDATED: 1-2-3 hand and 2-3-4 foot - whose novelties?!

Q:  On the cladograms, a "1-2-3" hand and "2-3-4" foot are evolutionary
traits for dinosaurs but for theropods on the saurischian chart, these
evolutionary traits are also listed for theropods. Since theropods
are dinosaurs, is it correct to name these traits again? Is there a
reason they are named again?

A: There is no good reason! And it is incorrect since they are supposed to be evolutionary novelties labeled on the cladograms. They are novelties of dinosaurs, not theropods. I did talk in lecture about how many of the features of theropods being discussed were not novelties, but they should not have made it onto the cladogram. Sorry about that!

Q: In regards to the "1-2-3 hand" and "2-3-4 foot" novelty, does that mean there's no real answer to question 41 on the final review? I am confused however because theropods are known for the loss of the 4-5 finger and 1-5 toe, but since this is a novelty for all dinosaurs, that means it is no longer exclusive to theropods right?

A: OK you caught me again, I jumped the gun saying that the novelty was entirely with the dinosauria rather than the theropoda. What I should have said was the dinosaur novelties were more asymmetrical hands and feet: reduction of digits 4 and 5 of the hand and digits 1 & 5 of the foot. Then theropods lose hand digit number 5 entirely, and later tetanurans lose hand digit number 4 entirely. Foot digit number 1 is severely reduced in theropods and moved to a separate position (and later becomes bigger again in the avian lineages). Foot digit number 5 is severely reduced and then I believe completely lost in some lineages, but I'm not sure which.

Thanks for pushing me to get it right!

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